Iceland is a Perfect Adventure All Year Long

Magazine Iceland is a Perfect Adventure All Year Long

North, East, West, South — choose any direction and Iceland offers you enough adventure and excitement to last a lifetime. Funny thing is, in some other lifetime you’ll want to come back for more. But of all the things to do in Iceland, how do you choose?

Like any determined researcher, start with the basic six questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how. Right off, two questions are already answered. The “who” is you, the “where” is Iceland, and the “why” is because the land of fire and ice is one of the most stunning places you’ll ever visit. All that’s left is when, what, and how. Wait… let’s add back the “where,” because Iceland is full of them.

First, let’s define what there is to do in Iceland, because realistically you can - with a couple caveats - do whatever you choose all year long. The entire country is a unique and surreal combination of glaciers, volcanos, waterfalls, magnificent coastlines, ice caves, geysers, steaming spas and hot springs. You can hike, bike, climb, travel by horse or four-wheel drive. You can choose to exert yourself or lounge around, or explore at any pace in-between. Funny thing is, you can experience almost everything Iceland has to offer at any level you like.


It can be argued that Iceland really has only two seasons, winter and not-winter, but let’s remain conventional and divide it into the four seasons.


If you want to ski, you can satisfy your wants at Blafjöell, just thirty minutes southwest of Reykjavik, and in the evenings you can return to the capitol of Iceland to enjoy the food and nightlife. If you prefer a country setting and a little more adventure, head north and ski at Akureyri (considered the best skiing in Iceland). In the south, you can hike Sólheimajökull glacier, stand in the shadow of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, or go ice climbing. Headed southeast, you can walk black sand beaches and hike the outlet glaciers of the Vatnajökull ice cap. On the East Fjords, you can enjoy great local food, explore ice caves, hunt for elves and ancient myth, and watch reindeer run across the valleys. You can downhill ski at Oddskarð or Stafdalur, then bask in the warm waters of a hot spring while you watch the sky dance with Northern Lights.


This is the season when the birds return to Iceland, and the seals have their pups. Any adventure you can experience in winter still holds true during the spring months (though skiing opportunities might be limited to certain places).

Summer and Fall

The full color of Iceland bursts into view when the sun slants its way north. The roads are clear all across the country, and everything that makes Iceland a magical adventure awaits you. Funny thing is, you might even be able to ski at Kerlingarfjöll!

No matter during which season you plan to visit, or in which direction you want to explore, Berjaya Hotels has accommodations to keep you warm and cozy. As Iceland’s premiere hotel chain, we have 9 hotels located north, east, west, and south — to let you experience Iceland when, where, and how you want to. Cheers!

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