Can You See The Northern Lights in Reykjavik?

Magazine Can You See The Northern Lights in Reykjavik?

Many tourists start asking about the Northern Lights as soon as they got off the plane and it doesn't help that on the way to baggage claim, there are posters and images of the lights throughout the airport. Many of you may be impatient to see them and want to know if you will be able to view them as soon as you get to the capital city, Reykjavik. But don’t worry, we are here to help!

You may be able to see the Northern Lights in the city but a few criteria would have to be met. You will need darkness and clear skies and northern light activity, all three of which only appear together mostly during the winter months. And if you are in the city, you will need to find a spot that offers a view without a lot of nearby lights, which will ruin your ability to see anything.

Some spots in the city we would recommend that are darker at night include Öskjuhlið, where The Pearl is, the Grótta lighthouse in Seltjarnarnes, or the Miklatún and Hljómskálagarður parks, all of which are very easy to find.

However, the best places to see the lights are away from the capital. We recommend that if you are able, take a car or a tour bus outside of the city, where city lights are few but the probability of seeing the breathtaking Northern Lights grows. Don’t give up if you don’t see them immediately or on the very first night. Good things always come to those who wait.

From Berjaya Hotels, Iceland's trusted hotel chain with locations across the country and two Reykjavik locations.

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